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    Student Teacher

    Available to students currently being mentored by an active qualified Teacher

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    Affiliate Membership

    For Non SIPBE qualified teachers who are actively teaching dance through other orginisations.

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    Member (Associate)

    First level of associations professional dance teaching qualifications

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    Member (Licentiate/Fellow)

    Higher level professional teaching qualifications.

Student Teacher

The first step towards official Teacher qualifications and availble to any student currently being mentored by an active exisiting SIPBE qualified member.


First Step to Full Membership

If dance is your passion and you wish to continue to the path of teaching then Student Teacher membership is the first step.


Apply for Membership

Contact our head Office through our contact page or your teacher/mentor for more details on becoming a Student Teacher member.


Affiliate Membership

Available to current active non-SIPBE qualified teachers who hold equivalent qualifications with a different recognised dance society.


Active Teachers

Perfect for active teachers who wish to enter students in SIPBE examinations and have qualifications with equivalent orginisations. You are unable to vote at the Annual General Meeting.


Apply for Membership

Please use our contact page to apply for Affiliate Membership with our Head office who will confirm the credentials required.

Member - Associate

The SIPBE Associate examination is the firt level of the Associations professional dance teaching qualifications and prepares the candidate to teach dance in their chosen genre.


Full Member

As a full member you can enter candidates in for SIPBE examinations and can vote at the Annual General Meeting


Apply for Membership

Candidates must complete a practical examination conducted by a SIPBE appointed examiner. Contact Head Office for more information.


Member - Licentiate / Fellowship

Higher Level professional teaching qualifications are available at Licentiate and Fellowship Level



Reach Higher level qualifications to apply to become a SIPBE Examiner


Apply for Membership

Available to Associate members who conduct further professional examinations in front of a SIPBE appointed examiner